User management option

    User management option

    Manage users, permissions and roles in the ACC easily and centrally

    The User management option allows you to precisely define the permissions of individual users Alarm Control Center (ACC).

    The option is also used to control login behavior using an existing one Active Directory.

    User management option
    User management option

    The User management option allows you to precisely define the permissions of individual users Alarm Control Center (ACC).

    The option is also used to control login behavior using an existing one Active Directory.

    User management option

    Control access centrally

    By centrally defining users, roles and rights, you can control the access of individual users of the Alarm Control Center as well as entire user groups to individual data records, data record types and functions of the ACC.

    A user with the role “Operator” can only see messages in the ACC archive, while an “Administrator” can also configure agents and channels.

    User management option

    Control access centrally

    By centrally defining users, roles and rights, you can control the access of individual users of the Alarm Control Center as well as entire user groups to individual data records, data record types and functions of the ACC.

    A user with the role “Operator” can only see messages in the ACC archive, while an “Administrator” can also configure agents and channels.

    Login to the Action Directory

    The user management option allows you to log in via Active Directory. This eliminates the need for double maintenance of user and password data.

    User management option
    User management option

    Login to the Action Directory

    The user management option allows you to log in via Active Directory. This eliminates the need for double maintenance of user and password data.

    User management option

    Users – Roles – Rights

    User: A user in the context of the Alarm Control Center is a created operator of the alerting software. To differentiate: A Attendees is a recipient of alerts.

    Roll: An Alarm Control Center user always has one or more roles. Each of these roles includes a fixed number of rights. If a user has multiple roles, the individual rights of their roles are added up.

    Right: A user is never assigned a right directly. Each role has certain rights that regulate its scope of action within the Alarm Control Center.

    User management option

    Users – Roles – Rights

    User: A user in the context of the Alarm Control Center is a created operator of the alerting software. To differentiate: A participant is a recipient of alerts.

    Roll: An Alarm Control Center user always has one or more roles. Each of these roles includes a fixed number of rights. If a user has multiple roles, the individual rights of their roles are added up.

    Right: A user is never assigned a right directly. Each role has certain rights that regulate its scope of action within the Alarm Control Center.

    Do you have any questions about the user management option?

    Contact us! We would be happy to advise you in detail about your options.

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