Posted on January 7, 2016 in Other news ACC - the filmWould you like to find out more about the functions and options of the Alarm Control Center - quickly and easily? Discover our ACC film and accompany Mr. Rossellini through his everyday work. As the managing director of a production company, he knows the risks and costs associated with downtime and system malfunctions. That's why he opted for the Alarm Control Center: whether by email, SMS, push message or by telephone and pager - the ACC software enables optimal monitoring of his system. Together with his employees Ms. Schmidtke, Mr. Grabowski and Mr. Huber, he can now quickly identify and correct errors.Find out more about Mr. Rossellini and the advantages of the Alarm Control Center here.
NewsletterMarch 11, 2025AIF News 01/2025In this issue you can expect exciting news and developments from the world of Alarm Control [...]Read more
Other newsFebruary 12, 2025Alarm IT Factory in Factory Innovation 1/2025Read in the current Factory Innovation why effective alarm management in industry [...]Read more
EventsFebruary 4, 2025Alarm IT Factory at Siemens Transform 2025Visit us on March 13, 2025 at Transform 2025 in Zurich.Read more
NewsletterDecember 4, 2024AIF News 04/2024Get information about our new release ACC V25 and [...] in the current newsletter 04/2024.Read more