Posted on November 16, 2015 in Newsletter ACC webinars for WinCC specialists at Siemens AG in NurembergThe Alarm Control Center and its advantages of reliable and fast alarming with the Premium Addon for WinCC - these topics were the focus of the ACC webinars for WinCC specialists at Siemens AG in Nuremberg. Peter Gunsser, Managing Director of Alarm IT Factory GmbH, went into the customer benefits of the app for smartphones, the redundancy package, the alarm filter and the control for WinCC and PCS7. In addition to the WinCC Specialists, certified members of the Siemens Solution Partner Program, interested parties from Australia, Asia, Europe and South and North America took part in the 45-minute webinars. We would like to thank the more than 180 participants for their lively interest.We are pleased to be able to offer events at Siemens AG in 2016: The focus will be on the functions of the core system and the numerous helpful options of the Alarm Control Center.
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