Posted on December 14, 2022 in Newsletter AIF NEWS 04/2022Best wishes for the new yearThe year 2022 is coming to an end, Christmas is just around the corner and we are all looking forward to a few quiet days with family and friends. Today we would like to thank you very much for your trust and the very good cooperation in the past few months. We wish you and your family happy holidays and, of course, a good start into the new year. In 2023 we will again do our utmost to meet your expectations and offer you the best possible service around ACC and control technology.In the last few months of this year, we focused on two events: the release of the new ACC V23 and our attendance at SPS 2022 in Nuremberg. We have therefore taken up both in today's newsletter at the end of the year.Enjoy reading.Your Alarm IT Factory teamYou can download the online version of our current newsletter here .The text version follows below: ACC V23 now availableThe new version of our Alarm Control Center is available since December 2022 .ACC V23 impresses with many innovations, enhanced and new components as well as an even more intuitive user interface in an optimized design. More information about our new release can be found here on our website.The delivery of the new release to our upgrade contract customers has already started. If you have not yet been contacted, we ask for your patience and understanding. Due to the high number of contract customers, delivery takes some time.The new version ACC V23 can be used with the systems and components released in the compatibility list Compared to ACC V21 and V22, compatibility has been tested and extended to include the latest versions of Windows, SQL Server and control systems. On your request, we are happy to send you the compatibility list for ACC V23.We also would be very happy to present ACC V23 with its innovations and advantages to you in person during a webinar. Simply contact our sales team. E-Mail: sales@alarmcontrolcenter.dePhone: +49 711 62 007 69 – 66We are happy to hear from you. Alarm IT Factory at SPS 2022After two years of forced Covid-19 break, it was finally happening again: from 08.-10.11.2022 the SPS 2022 took place in Nuremberg - and we were there with our own stand.For our attendance at the international trade fair for industrial automation, we not only had a lot of good vibes and the strongest motivation in our luggage, but also our brand new version of the Alarm Control Center ACC V23 . During the three exhibition days, we were able to give many customers and visitors an insight into the new functions and components of the latest release and to impress them with our new user-friendly design. An eye-catcher was also the giant tablet AppSCREEN© at our stand. On this oversized tablet, visitors were able to give the ACC app a live try it live and thoroughly test it.We all enjoyed it very much to finally be able to talk directly and face-to-face with our customers, prospects and service providers again. We are already looking forward to SPS 2023. And we thank everyone who thought of us or stopped by our stand. You can download the online version of our current newsletter here .
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