Posted on December 15, 2021 in Other news Log4j exploit - ACC is not affectedThe Alarm Control Center not and is thus protected from the Java vulnerability not affected by the Java exploit.In the past few days, a critical vulnerability has been identified in the widely used logging library for Java applications Log4j. known. This enables attackers to inject malicious code into the attacked systems to execute. As mentioned above, the ACC is not affected by this vulnerability.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Simply use our Contact form or call us.
ACC Use Case, Other newsMarch 12, 2025Areas of application of the ACC: PharmaThere are many areas in which the ACC can be used. Here is an example of the [...]Read more
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EventsFebruary 4, 2025Alarm IT Factory at Siemens Transform 2025Visit us on March 13, 2025 at Transform 2025 in Zurich.Read more