Posted on March 29, 2022 in Newsletter AIF NEWS 01/2022ACC V22 SP1 & sneak peek on ACC V23We are pleased to present you in today's newsletter Davide Acquadro as our new second Managing Director. . Davide has been part of the Alarm IT Factory (AIF) right from the start and has accompanied and contributed to the further development of the Alarm Control Center. He has been supporting Peter Gunsser at the helm of our company since December 2021. Find out more from him in the article below. We will also inform you about the innovations brought by service pack 1 for ACC V22 entails and give you a first glimpse of the next version ACC V23. You can also read which discontinuations are planned for 2022.Enjoy the read. We wish you a peaceful time.Your Alarm IT Factory teamYou can download the online version of our current newsletter here .The text version follows below: Double leadership at Alarm IT Factory: Davide Acquadro is second Managing DirectorHello, my name is Davide Acquadro and I am happy to be the new managing director of Alarm IT Factory GmbH (AIF) since December 2021, alongside Peter Gunsser. At this point, a few words about me and my professional career: Even before the Alarm IT Factory was founded, I was able to work at Siemens AG in the Alarm Control Center department during my practical semester. I've been an employee from day one, so to speak. In the last ten years, it has been a great privilege for me to be able to help shape the Alarm Control Center and thus also the Alarm IT Factory right from the start and, above all, to see it grow. Continue reading ACC V22 Service Pack 1 availableThank you for your numerous feedback on the new ACC V22. Based on your feedback, we were able to make targeted improvements and a first service pack create.The following optimizations are included in SP1:Option monitoring includes all tests of the previous version "system monitoring"Optimized backup/restore with an existing replicationWith an ACC update, the storage location of the backup can be specifiedOptimization of the codec handling for the speech output channelYou can change clients without logging in againA license with an identical license ID can be imported into the ACC. The existing license will be updatedArchive entries can be exported as a CSV fileWindows user name + department can be stored with the participantIn addition, further bug fixes and improvements were made in the monitoring, alarm module, alarm filter, OPC DA agent and setup, which further increase the stability and performance of the ACC. Sneak Peek: ACC V23To the 01.11.2022 the new release of the Alarm Control Center appears ACC V23. We would be happy to give you a small preview of what you can look forward to with this version.Facelift of the ACC user interfaceNew corporate identity with new colors and more contrastOptimization of the tablesMany other small improvementsBack up the entire configuration via Backup/RestoreACC App: Multiple selection of messages in the appAgent for Desigo CCRedesign of the email channel and agent supporting OAuth 2.0 and TLS version 1.3 Even more service for youOur Alarm IT Factory team keeps growing! We are very pleased that in recent months both our development, as well as support and control technology team respectively reinforcementreceive to have. This is how we continue to guarantee you the best possible service and have taken another step in the direction of continuously expanding our team.We continue to be looking for committed colleagues. You can find our vacancies on our job page. If you are interested in working in our young, dynamic and ambitious company, we look forward to receiving applications by email Pending discontinuations: ACC V5.0 and V5.1The following ACC versions will be discontinued in 2022:ACC V5.0 as of March 31, 2022ACC V5.1 as of October 31, 2022Are you affected by the discontinuations?Then contact us. We would be happy to advise you on an upgrade.E-Mail: sales@alarmcontrolcenter.dePhone: +49 711 62 007 69 – 66 You can download the online version of our current newsletter here .
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