Posted on June 15, 2023 in Newsletter AIF NEWS 02/2023ACC is among the bestDear Sir or Madam, In today's newsletter you will again receive current information about the Alarm IT Factory and the Alarm Control Center. Find out, among other things, which new features we have planned for the new ACC Version V24, how far we are on the way to TISAX certification and much more. Have fun while reading.Your Alarm IT Factory team You can download the online version of our current newsletter here .The text version follows below: We are excellentThe Center Industry 4.0 Potsdam has for issue 1.2023 (February 2023) of the journal Factory innovation (GITO Verlag) examined and evaluated current alarm software solutions for production. We are pleased that we are at the forefront and that the Alarm Control Center with the excellent Grade 1.7 was awarded.You can find out everything about the test and our great result at → our website read. Roadmap ACC V24 – what is planned? The new version ACC V24 will again have many new features and improvements in its luggage. In addition, we will take the first steps towards cloud readiness and thus towards the future of the ACCYou can see what is currently planned here:ACC in the cloud: In the future, the Alarm Control Center will also be available as a cloud solution. In the first step, we will make the existing ACC "Cloud-Ready". It is currently planned to make a first version available with selected agents and channels at the end of 2023.News Agent for SIMATIC PCS neoACC app and ACC web service:Improved reliability when sending push notifications to Apple devicesFurther development of the Teamdispo optionCategorization of a message via the ACC appCustom link when reportingACC manager: As a central component, the Manager monitors and controls the redundancy on the ACC Server. It thus simplifies the configuration and operation of a redundant ACC.News Agent for UDP to replace the outdated Siclimat X agentSave and recover is expanded to include the backup of the entire ACC configurationRelease of Microsoft SQL Server 2022integration of a new one Text To Speech Engine, which supports more languages and latest operating systemsFurther development of the email channel/agent: Processing emails with multiple attachmentsYou can find more information about the individual improvements and new features in our document → ACC V24 Roadmap. On the way to TISAX® certificationTogether with our external ISMS representative, we have been busy analyzing and documenting our internal company processes over the past few months and implementing one or two new guidelines. Always with the goal in mind: The TISAX certification for the Alarm IT Factory in 2023 to get.→ It won't be long and we look forward to sharing the successful certification with you soon.What is TISAX? TISAX stands for Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange and is a certificate that proves that certain information security standards are met by a company. These standards were specially developed for the automotive industry, which is particularly vulnerable to cyber threats due to its global interconnectedness and increasingly complex technologies. You can find out more about TISAX certification → here. ACC V23 – Service Pack 1The service pack 1 for ACC V23 is for ACC contract customers (upgrade contract) available for free. The new setups for the update to ACC V23.1 are available for download as a zip file. A corresponding email with the link went out to the affected customers last month.Please note: You will find brief instructions with important information in the download folder. We especially ask for updates from ACC V22.1 for attention before starting the installation.Would you like to receive the download link or do you have questions about the new release? We are happy to support you . Alarm IT Factory on social mediaDid you know that the Alarm IT Factory is also on social media is to be found? We publish current and interesting information about our company and the ACC there. We look forward to new visitors, followers and friends.About our social media platforms:LinkedInXingFacebook Even more service for you – jobs at the AIFOur Alarm IT Factory team keeps growing! We are very pleased that our development team has received additional active support from two new colleagues over the past few months. We say !!! We are also still looking for reinforcements for the control technology, sales and support departments and look forward to committed new colleagues. You can find our vacancies on our → home page. You can download the online version of our current newsletter here .
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