Posted on September 14, 2023 in Newsletter AIF NEWS 03/2023Alarm IT Factory newsletter 03/2023Dear Sir or Madam,In today's newsletter you will receive again current information about the Alarm IT Factory and the Alarm Control Center. Find out, among other things, the latest on the upcoming event Release ACC V24, to our Siemens PCS neo product partnership and Siemens Solution Partner recertification as well as a lot more. Have fun while reading.Your Alarm IT Factory teamYou can download the online version of our current newsletter here .The text version follows below: From November 2023: ACC V24The new release ACC V24 is in the starting blocks. The new version V24 will be available from November 2023. With this release we will take the first steps towards the cloud - you can be excited! For more information on this topic, please contact our sales team at our → June newsletter we have already informed you about the planned features and improvements that ACC V24 will have in its luggage and have given you an insight into the → Roadmap of the new version.Today you'll get more details on three features ACC V24 will bring: Categorizing a report via the ACC app:Different categories for messages can be freely defined in the ACC. These categories are displayed in the ACC app for new reports and can be selected by the processor. The categorization is also visible in the ACC archive and enables messages to be evaluated according to categories.ACC redundancy manager:With the ACC redundancy manager, configuring and operating a redundant ACC becomes even easier. The manager is a central component on the ACC server that monitors and controls redundancy and thus opens up many possibilities for improving a redundant ACC. For example, if an alarm filter is set by a message on a primary ACC, this alarm filter is automatically activated on the redundancy partner. In this way, the correct filtering of messages is ensured even in redundancy operation. In addition, the ACC redundancy manager ensures that the “message gone” information is delivered correctly even when load balancing is used.Agent for SIMATIC PCS neo:The new Agent for SIMATIC PCS neo is the connection to the web-based process control system SIMATIC PCS neo from Siemens AG. OPC UA A&C (OPC Unified Architecture Alarms and Conditions) is used as the interface. Which alarms from PCS neo should be alerted via the agent can be easily configured via the ACC user interface. It is possible to import the alarms from an Excel file or to select them based on their severity. The message text can be freely combined from the individual fields of an alarm as well as from fixed text blocks. Maintenance Release ACC V23.1.11The Maintenance Release V23.1.11 is available for customers with ACC V23 and V23.1 available immediately. You can get the download link at for installing the new release can be found in the document ACC installation instructions or Installation instructions Redundant ACC under Docs. Please make a backup copy or a backup before updating your ACC installation.The following optimizations are included in the maintenance release, among others:All current hotfixesAgent Desigo CC: Improvement in sending report PDFs via email channelAgent ESPA 4.4.4: New setting options for “message gone” and for determining the message IDWindows App: New security features and new functionality to force notifications to be processedNotice: If you are using a redundant system, we recommend contacting our support team before installation due to the increased complexity Alarm IT Factory is more official Siemens PCS neo product partner We are happy to be certified Siemens product partner for the web-based process control system SIMATIC PCS neo . The partner certificate underlines our years of successful collaboration with Siemens AG as well as our expertise in the Siemens industrial product world. SIMATIC PCS neo is the successor product to SIMATIC PCS7.From ACC version V24 on, an Agent for SIMATIC PCS neo will be available and serves as an official interface to PCS neo.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at: Recertification as a Siemens Solution PartnerWe are very happy to continue to be an official Siemens Solution Partner – Automation Drives .During a certification workshop at Siemens with subsequent testing, our colleagues from the control technology department successfully recertified us for the SCADA and Factory Automation modules. We are very pleased about this success. We warmly congratulate our colleagues on this achievement and thank you for their commitment. Upcoming discontinuationsThe following ACC versions and components will be discontinued as of October 31, 2023 :→ Agent WinCC from 7.0 and PCS7 from V8.0→ ACC V5.2 and V5.3After discontinuation, no extensions will be available for these ACC versions. In addition, technical support for the versions/components will be discontinued. As of ACC V24 (Release: November 2023) a connection to WinCC V7.0_or_PCS7 V8.0 SP1 will not be not possible anymore. If you are affected by one of the discontinuations, please contact our sales team.We would be happy to help you and advise you on your options. You can reach us by phone at +49 711 62 007 69-66 or by email New colleagues at the AIFWe are very pleased that three of our teams have had reinforcements in the last few months: a new colleague started in control technology and a new colleague in sales and development. Also in this official way we send a warmly WELCOME to the three of them !!!We are still looking for reinforcement for the Control Technology we are looking for further reinforcements and thus committed new colleagues. Also Unsolicited applications are also always welcome. You can find our vacancies on our → home page.Please send applications by email You can download the online version of our current newsletter here .
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