ReferenceSPS migration and system optimization of the control technologyIndustrial installations are known for their durability. But here, too, the technology has to be adapted from time to time. For a customer, the replacement of Siemens PLCs from the S5 series with models from the S7 series on the WinCC control system was on the agenda. We supported him in this.In agreement with the commissioning engineer for the new SPSs, the data points were moved. According to the customer's requirements, new ones were also added. After moving the systems to the new controls, the old ones could be dismantled. When the control system was cleaned up, existing scripts that had grown over time were also optimized.TechnologySIMATIC WinCC V7.5 control systemCommunication to SPS S7-1500Good planning and preparation is the key to successful migration. In some companies, periods such as holidays can be used. In other companies, however, there is no quiet time window. Both situations present an interesting challenge.Existing and proven functionalities should be sustain for the time after the migration. At the same time, migration is often used to conveniently implement further optimization and improvement requests from the customer. This can affect visualization systems, the user interface or process optimization.With Alarm IT Factory you include an experienced partner into the team - starting with the planning of system-related software all the way through to the training of your employees on site.