Posted on May 31, 2015 in Newsletter Transition ACCWe would like to inform you about the transfer of the Alarm Control Center to Alarm IT Factory GmbH.The important things first:The status Premium Addon for WinCC and PCS7 of the Alarm Control Center remains. This ensures compatibility and very good integration into the Siemens product world.The Alarm Control Center will also be adapted to current technologies in the future, additional features will be added and the competent and fast support will be further expanded.The continuity of the Alarm Control Center as a product from a wide variety of technological areas such as automotive, building technology, infrastructure, energy, chemicals and pharmaceuticals is ensured.The ACC V4.11 was released in March 2015. ACC V4.12 will be released in the third quarter of 2015 and ACC V5 is planned for 2016.Alarm IT Factory GmbH was founded by Peter Gunsser and Florian Glufke - both experts in the field of alarm management - to ensure the further development of the ACC and support on a broader staff basis. Alarm IT Factory GmbH has been Siemens AG’s external service provider for alarm management since 2013 and has since provided the following services for the Alarm Control Center:Customer supportWorkshops and adviceSoftware development and documentationOrder processing and deliveryCommissioning at home and abroadThe ACC team at Alarm IT Factory now consists of fourteen experts who take care of all matters relating to alarm management and who will be happy to continue providing the aforementioned services for you competently, quickly and unbureaucratically as usual.On June 1st, 2015, Alarm IT Factory GmbH acquired the product Alarm Control Center from Siemens AG. This means for you that the Alarm IT Factory GmbHas the previous Siemens service provider, will become your direct supplier for all components of the Alarm Control Center on June 1st, 2015.
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