ACC Use Case, Other newsMarch 12, 2025Areas of application of the ACC: PharmaThere are many areas where the ACC can be used. Here's an example [...]Read more
NewsletterMarch 11, 2025AIF News 01/2025In this issue you can expect exciting news and developments from the world of alarm [...]Read more
Other newsFebruary 12, 2025Alarm IT Factory in Factory Innovation 1/2025Read in the current Factory Innovation why effective alarm management in [...]Read more
EventsFebruary 4, 2025Alarm IT Factory at Siemens Transform 2025Visit us on March 13, 2025 at Transform 2025 in Zurich.Read more
NewsletterDecember 4, 2024AIF News 04/2024Get information about our new release ACC V25 in the current newsletter 04/2024 [...]Read more
EventsNovember 14, 2024Alarm IT Factory at SPS 2024 in NurembergVisit the Alarm IT Factory from November 12th to 14th, 2024 at the SPS 2024 in Nuremberg. We [...]Read more
Newsletter17 September 2024AIF News 03/2024Find out the latest about our trade fair appearance at the [...] in the current AIF Newsletter 03/2024.Read more
Events12 June 2024New Manufacturing World 2024The Alarm IT Factory and the Alarm Control Center were part of the New Manufacturing World [...]Read more
NewsletterMarch 18, 2024AIF NEWS 01/2024Find out details about the published service pack 1 for ACC in the current newsletter 01/2024 [...]Read more
Other newsJanuary 5, 2024Alarm IT Factory is Top Company 2024Alarm IT Factory GmbH was founded on the employer platform kununu by its employees [...]Read more
NewsletterDecember 14, 2023AIF NEWS 04/2023Find out the latest information about the published ACC version V24 and [...]Read more
ACC Use Case, Other newsDecember 14, 2023Areas of application of the ACC: AutomotiveThere are many areas where the ACC can be used. Here you will find an example [...]Read more
Other newsNovember 14, 2023Alarm Control Center in Factory Innovation 5/2023We are pleased to be featured in the current issue 5/2023 of the trade magazine FACTORY INNOVATION with [...]Read more
NewsletterSeptember 14, 2023AIF NEWS 03/2023Find out the latest information about the upcoming ACC version V24 in the current newsletter, everything [...]Read more
Other newsSeptember 5, 2023Recertification as a Siemens Solution Partner Alarm IT Factory GmbH continues to be an official Siemens Solution Partner - Automation [...]Read more
NewsletterJune 15, 2023AIF NEWS 02/2023Find out in the current newsletter, among other things, which new features for the ACC Version V24 [...]Read more
Other newsMarch 20, 2023Alarm Control Center (ACC) has been awarded by Factory InnovationThe Alarm Control Center was developed by Zentrum Industrie 4.0 as alarm software for its functions [...]Read more
NewsletterMarch 14, 2023AIF NEWS 01/2023In today's newsletter you will receive the latest information about Alarm IT [...]Read more
Other newsMarch 13, 202310 years of Alarm IT FactoryWe are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year and would like to take this opportunity [...]Read more
NewsletterDecember 14, 2022AIF NEWS 04/2022We wish you and your family happy holidays and, of course, a good start [...]Read more
NewsletterSeptember 14, 2022AIF NEWS 03/2022We give you a first insight into the new user interface of the forthcoming release [...]Read more
NewsletterJune 2, 2022AIF NEWS 02/2022We are pleased to present the new functions to you in our current newsletter [...]Read more
EventsMay 27, 2022Alarm IT Factory at SPS 2022 in NurembergVisit the Alarm IT Factory from November 8th to 10th, 2022 at the SPS 2022 in Nuremberg. Agree [...]Read more
NewsletterMarch 29, 2022AIF NEWS 01/2022We are pleased to introduce Davide Acquadro as our new second Managing Director. Davide has been part of the Alarm IT Factory since the very beginning [...]Read more
Other newsMarch 28, 2022Davide Acquadro is second Managing Director of Alarm IT FactoryMy name is Davide Acquadro and since December 2021 I am excited to be the new Managing Director of Alarm IT Factory GmbH (AIF) alongside Peter Gunsser.Read more
Other newsDecember 15, 2021Log4j Vulnerability - ACC is not affectedThe Alarm Control Center does not use the Log4j components and is therefore not [...]Read more
NewsletterNovember 22, 2021Delivery release ACC Version V22 – all new features at a glanceWe hope you are well and that you will continue to be successful through the persistently difficult [...]Read more
EventsNovember 22, 2021SPS 2021 in NurembergThe international trade fair SPS 2021 was canceled by the organizer due to the current [...]Read more
Other newsNovember 10, 2021Alarm! Before the hut burnsThe current issue of the Handelsblatt presents the Alarm IT Factory GmbH and the Alarm [...]Read more
NewsletterMay 11, 2021ACC Version V22 as of November 2021 | Outlook on upcoming innovationsWe hope your first quarter of the year 2021 was successful and that it to you also [...]Read more
NewsletterOctober 27, 2020ACC V21 as of November 1st, 2020 | All new features and moreIntense weeks and months are behind us and further challenging times are ahead of us.Read more
NewsletterApril 24, 2020Delivery release ACC V5.3 - On the planned date despite COVID-19The new year 2020 has had to be innovative, and optimistic started. The sales team was two [...]Read more
Newsletter19th December 2019ACC at SPS IPC Drives from November 26th to 28th, 2019Especially on the basis of the tense economy, we have chosen the SPS 2019 as the leading trade fair for the [...]Read more
EventsDecember 11, 2019Review SPS Nuremberg 2019Also this year, many customers and interested parties have the news of the Alarm Control [...]Read more
EventsJune 3, 2019Trade fair review of the Hannover Messe Industrie 2019The Hannover Messe Industrie 2019 is over. More than 215,000 visitors flocked to [...]Read more
NewsletterApril 1, 2019Delivery release ACC V5.2 - with OPC UA and news for the iPhone appWirtschaftsWoche wrote on October 2, 2019, "The economy is cooling down - [...]Read more
EventsFebruary 18, 2019ACC at Hanover Industry Fair from April 1st-5th, 2019At the Hannover Messe Industrie we will show you the Alarm Control Center V5.1 (ACC V5.1) and [...]Read more
NewsletterFebruary 12, 2019Delivery release ACC V5.1 – available with many optionsThe year 2019 started with renewed momentum. The Alarm Control Center V5.1 (ACC V5.1) with [...]Read more
Events19th November 2018The Alarm Control Center at the SPS IPC Drives trade fair in Nuremberg from Tuesday November 27th to Thursday November 29th, 2018At this year's SPS IPC Drives we will show you a preview of the Alarm Control [...]Read more
NewsletterNovember 8, 2018Finally here: the NEW Alarm Control Center V5.0 with innovative features and an attractive price model - find out now!In your company or in your systems, faults occur again and again, which you [...]Read more
NewsletterSeptember 27, 2018ACC V5.0 makes alarm management even more productive - why it convinces:Our pilot projects have ended successfully and have shown that large customers from [...]Read more
NewsletterJuly 27, 2018The new WinCC OA agentThe Alarm IT Factory now offers all customers and interested parties a new agent [...]Read more
NewsletterMarch 1, 2018Review SPS IPC Drives 2018 in NurembergThe 29th SPS IPC Drives is over. A total of 65,700 visitors flocked to Nuremberg, [...]Read more
EventsFebruary 20, 2018WinCC Specialist Conference 2018This year the annual conference will take place in Vienna from February 26th to March 1st, 2018. She [...]Read more
Newsletter1st February 2018New license and price model – Professional alerting from EUR 1,580Innovative features, user friendliness and an attractive price model for the entry to the [...]Read more
Newsletter1st February 2018New license and price model – Professional alerting from EUR 1,580Innovative features, user friendliness and an attractive price model for entry into the [...]Read more
EventsJanuary 8, 2018Trade fair review SPS IPC Drives 2017Trade fair review SPS IPC Drives 2017 This year we again successfully presented our [...]Read more
Other newsNovember 28, 2017ACC Release 4.14Alarm Control Center V4.14 The new version 4.14 will be available from the end of November 2017 [...]Read more
EventsNovember 21, 2017Fair “SPS IPC Drives” and ACC5Exhibition "SPS IPC Drives" and ACC5 We present ourselves from November 28th to 30th [...]Read more
Newsletter16th November 2017webinarsDue to the great interest in our webinars, you can now easily [...]Read more
Other newsJanuary 16, 2016ACC Release 4.13The new ACC version 4.13 with many new features has been available since January 11, 2016: [...]Read more
Other newsJanuary 7, 2016ACC - The MovieDo you want to know more about the functions and possibilities of the Alarm Control Center [...]Read more
EventsNovember 30, 2015Successful trade fair appearance at SPS IPC Drives 2015The SPS IPC Drives 2015 was accompanied by a premiere for the Alarm Control Center: [...]Read more
NewsletterNovember 16, 2015ACC webinars for WinCC specialists at Siemens AG in NurembergThe Alarm Control Center and its advantages of reliable and fast alarming with [...]Read more
EventsOctober 26, 2015SPS IPC DrivesFrom November 24th to 26th, 2015 you will find us again at the SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg. [...]Read more
Other newsJune 1, 2015ACC Release 4.12New features for the SMS-GSM channel Do you want to know who is taking care of a message? [...]Read more
NewsletterMay 31, 2015Transition ACCWe would like to inform you about the transfer of the Alarm Control Center to Alarm IT [...]Read more
Other newsApril 13, 2015ACC Release 4.11We are pleased to announce that the further developed ACC version 4.11 [...]Read more